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Version: 3.23.0

Third Party Tool & Library Licences

Any 3rd party tool or library used in the Net Core Genesis Platform does not generate extra license fees and does not restrict new product development or sales to customers.

All components are subject to permissive licenses in favor of the Genesis' customer.

Copyleft and Permissive Licenses​

There are two major types of open-source licenses: copyleft and permissive.

Both copyleft and permissive licenses allow developers to copy, modify, and redistribute code (derivative or otherwise) freely. The most important difference between the two, however, lies in how each approaches copyright privileges.

While permissive licenses allow developers to include their own copyright statements, copyleft licenses provide no such privilege. Instead, copyleft license rules require all derivative works to be subject to the original license. This means that developers cannot make patent or copyright claims on the original software.

The most popular permissive licenses are MIT and Apache 2.0, with BSD in a distant third place. The GNU GPLv3 is the most popular copyleft license but is steadily losing market share compared to permissive licenses.

Licenses Compared​

LicenseCode Use, Modification & DistributionUser ObligationsPatent License GrantLinking code to other licensesTrademark Grants
Apache 2.0Permissive. Must notify users of code modificationsCan’t remove copyright, patent, trademark and attribution noticesYes: Explicitly definedPermissiveNot allowed
MITPermissiveFuture licensed software must contains a copy of license and copyright noticeNot explicitly definedPermissiveNot mentioned. Advance permission required
BSDPermissiveBSD 3-clause: avoid appearance that product is endorsed by the original developersNot explicitly definedPermissiveNot mentioned

React Framework​

React is one of the many JavaScript frameworks and licensed under the MIT license.

.Net Core​

.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications. The various parts of .NET Core are maintained in different GitHub repositories. These repositories typically use the MIT or Apache 2.0 licenses.

EF Core​

Entity Framework (EF) Core is an open source and cross-platform data-access technology that can serve as an ORM, under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

Redis Cache​

Redis is open source software released under the terms of the three clause BSD license.

Apache Kafka​

Apache Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform developed by the Apache Software Foundation released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

Elastic Stack​

Elasticsearch is a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Identity Server​

IdentityServer4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework and licensed under the Apache 2.0 licence.


Docker is an open-source containerization technology that enables the creation and use of containers. Docker's open source components are generally licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Drone CI/CD​

Drone is a self-service Continuous Integration platform and the community edition is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


Swagger is a set of open-source tools built around the OpenAPI Specification that can help you design, build, document and consume REST APIs, and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


Debezium is an open source distributed platform for change data capture and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.