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Version: Legacy

Run Your Web Application

If you have finished installing and scaffolding your entire project, in order to run and test it please follow the steps below:

A) Run Redis and Kafka​

You need to run Redis Cache (must) and Kafka Event Streamer (optional) services in Docker first.

Warning: You don't have to run them on Docker but if you'll, be sure your Docker is up and running properly.

Open a Terminal and go to your project's folder

cd {Your_Application_Full_Path}

Run the command below in order to install & start Redis Cache instance.

docker-compose up redis

or also Kafka & Zookeeper instances (optional)

docker-compose up redis kafka

To check if everything is ok for running docker services, run

docker ps

or to list all

docker ps -a

Check 2 services namely {Your_Application_Name}_redis_1 and {Your_Application_Name}_kafka_1 (optional) are running.

You should see something like this.

B) Start your 3 main services​

We assume that you use Visual Studio as IDE.

i) Open your .Net Core solution which is {Your_Application_Name}.sln in Visual Studio

ii) Right click on {Your_Application_Name} solution and click "Set Startup Projects..."

iii) Select Admin.Svc, IdentityServer and {MicroserviceName}.API and click OK

If you have multiple microservices, additionally choose other {MicroserviceName}.API projects to be started

iv) Run the solution

IdentityServer will be running on http://localhost:5000/

Admin.Svc will be running on http://localhost:5050/swagger

{MicroserviceName}.API will be running on http://localhost:5051/swagger

C) Start your Admin Panel (UI part)​

Change directory to the UI project

cd {Your_Application_Name}/UI

Run yarn or npm command as shown below

yarn start (recommended)


npm start

UI will be running on http://localhost:3000

Enter the credentials below when login page appears in browser

Password: 123456

You can create new users by using Management / User / New Record

Log Folders and Files​

For .Net Core Solution logs


AutoCode Solution Generator logs


Transaction logs

Check Genesis database’s transactionLogs table.

To deploy your projects on a web server, visit Deployment